The budget has changed the
landscape of the Indian equity markets in more ways than one. The effects
are naturally a combination of negative and positive. Reams and reams are
written about the budget and we will therefore stick to the basics.
The bad news first
The turnover tax takes the
pride of place as being the most negative factor in the markets
currently. It will result in drying up of volumes gradually and make
the process of price discovery difficult. There will be bigger
differences between bid and offer prices and therefore impact cost (
incremental difference between the first lot and the next available )
will shoot up manifold.
There will be a lack of
depth in the markets and therefore small bouts of buying or selling
will result in larger price swings. Since volatility will be high,
there is a risk of higher initial margins being collected by the
exchanges. In the event of higher margins being levied, there maybe
entry barriers to trading for a large segment of participants.
There is a likelihood of
large block deals being negotiated between institutional players in
the absence of liquidity in the open markets, thereby making the
markets even more skewered.
Since jobbers, day traders
and market makers will shirk away from the markets, fewer stocks will
be traded and large amounts of investor wealth will be trapped in non
traded scrips. Coupled with the losses suffered in the recent past,
this is likely to be a major stumbling block for a retail player in
the coming months.
The good news now....
Since impact costs will be
higher, there will be larger price swings. That should take cover of
higher transaction costs. However, in the absence of adequate volumes
would mean that traders would take smaller positions.
The lower short term gains
tax of 10 % is nothing short of a back door VDIS scheme. That should
see significant amounts of money being legalised through this channel,
and some portions are likely to stay in the equity markets.
NRI investments are likely
to step up in equities after the NRI bank deposit rates appear less
FII investment limits have
been hiked, thereby giving more scope for foreign inflows into our
capital markets.
There is a scope for
downward revision of the turnover tax which will give certain relief
to the the trading community.
Mills - This denim / cotton textiles
major is showing a classic rounding bottom ( saucer formation ) on the
charts as the scrip is in a recovery mode after a prolonged fall for half
a decade ( the chart below is a monthly one ). The budget has been good to
the cotton textile segment and Arvind Mills is a beneficiary especially
sine the export operations of the company are doing well. We recommend a
long term buy on declines for the delivery investor and a option writing
strategy for the income conscious investor.
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - buy the scrip on declines upto the 65 mark
and hold with a stop loss of Rs 10. Expect the counter to test the
previous highs of 80 levels in a few months time. Buying should be in
small lots only.
Aggressive F&O
traders - Buy the July futures only if the entire market
appears strong and the same trades above the 73 mark with high
volumes. Hold with a stop loss of 69 and expect a price target of 77-
78 in a bullish market in the short term. Options traders can sell the
July 55 puts at a suggested premium of Rs 0.50 in small lots only.
contract size - Market lot = 4300, F&O margins =
approx Rs 1,20,000 ( subject to change daily ).
Bank of
India - this
PSU banking major has slipped rapidly below it's averages and is trading
at it's lowest since May ' 03. The scrip manages to continue making lower
tops and bottoms formations and the short term averages have crossed the
medium / long term averages in a downward direction, thereby signaling a
sell on the weekly charts. We advocate a sell on advances for a
speculative trader and writing calls at higher levels for the income
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - exit delivery based long positions between
the 50 - 55 band and convert to cash.
Aggressive F&O
traders - We advocate short selling the July futures on
advances upto the 50 levels and holding with a stop loss loss at the
52.50 mark. Expect to take profits at the 45 - 46 levels in the near
term. Options players may sell the July calls at 60 strike and a
premium of Rs 0.60
contract size - Market lot = 3800 shares, F&O margins =
approx Rs 44,000 ( subject to change daily ).
- after the fall of the NDA regime, the PSU disinvestment duo ( HPCL
& BPCL ) have been losing their sheen rapidly. As the chart pattern
below suggests, the weakness is likely to accelerate further especially if
the counter trades below the 312 mark with higher volumes. We recommend
this counter for short sales on advances for traders and writing calls on
higher strike prices for income players.
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - exit all long positions above the 350 mark
in a bounce-back and convert to cash.
Aggressive F&O
traders - Short the July futures in a rally at a suggested
level of 329 ( quoting at Rs 9 discount to cash ) with a stop loss at
the 334. Expect to book profits at the 322 levels in the near term in
a conducive market. Should the markets fall further, even lower levels
are possible. Options players can sell the July 370 calls at a premium
of Rs 2.
contract size - Market lot = 550 shares, F&O margins =
approx Rs 44,000 ( subject to change daily ).
Glaxo - This
MNC pharmaceuticals major has been often recommended by us as good buy
for investors with a medium term approach to investing with a
reasonably low risk appetite. The stock is a strong market
out-performer and a beneficiary of the EMR regime expected to be
implemented in 2005. We recommend a buy on all declines with a 6 month
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - buy the counter on all declines, especially
below the 600 levels and hold with a stop loss at the 570 levels. We
expect the 665 - 675 levels to be achieved in the medium term ( 6
months ).
Aggressive F&O
traders - N/a
contract size - N/a
Ambuja Cements - this
cement major is showing signs of consolidation at current levels and is
likely to see a minor upmove if the congestion level of 288 is surpassed
with high volumes in a firm market. We recommend a trading buy on the
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - buy the counter for delivery above the 288
mark and expect to book profits at the 299 / 300 mark. Hold with a
stop loss at the 282 levels. Since this is a trading recommendation,
we suggest trades in small lots only.
Aggressive F&O
traders - Buy the July futures only above the 284 levels and
hold with a stop loss at the 281 mark. Expect to take profits at the
289 levels.
contract size - Market lot = 1100 shares, F&O margins =
approx Rs 50,000 ( subject to change daily ).
- another mirror pattern of the BPCL story, the scrip is likely to
remain subdued due to the change in stance on the disinvestment front. The
stock has fallen below its short term support trendline recently and
tested the May 17 lows again. The scrip is a sell on major advances and
investors should liquidate their holdings and convert to cash.
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - sell off your holdings above the 320 mark
and convert to cash.
Aggressive F&O
traders - sell the July futures on advances upto 314 levels
on a bounce-back and hold with a stop loss at the 321 levels. Expect
to book profits at the 295 mark in the near term and possibly lower
levels of 282 in a conducive market. Options players can sell the July
360 calls at a premium of Rs 1.50 in small lots.
contract size - Market lot = 650 shares, F&O margins =
approx Rs 45,000 ( subject to change daily ).
- this software bell-weather is
making a bullish pattern on the charts and is showing strength in the long
term. The scrip has proven itself to be a market out-performer. The only
downsides in the near term will be the increase in floating paper due to
the bonus shares coming in the markets. The scrip will gain upward
momentum once the 1455 levels are surpassed on a closing basis with high
volumes. We recommend planning fixed income strategies on this counter.
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - n/a.
Aggressive F&O
traders - sell the July 1200 puts at 18 premium and sell the
July 1500 calls at Rs 18. If by the 29 th of July, the scrip remains
between these two strike prices, this short combination strategy will
yield 7.75 % return p.m.
contract size - Market lot = 200 shares, F&O margins =
approx Rs 46,000 ( subject to change daily ).
Maruti - this
counter remains our pick from the automobile stable as the upward scope
remains the highest in terms of fundamentals and technicals. The scrip has
surges past it's short term resistance levels of 425 and closed above it.
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - High
risk traders can buy the counter at 422 with a stop loss at the 414
levels and expect a price of 445 in the short / medium term in a
conducive market.
Aggressive F&O
traders - Sell the July 350 puts at a premium of Rs 4 in
minimal lots.
contract size - Market lot = 400 shares, F&O margins =
approx Rs 49,000 ( subject to change daily ).
Corporation - this scrip is a
beneficiary from the budget proposal and is showing signs of revival. Note
how the pattern is that of rising tops and bottoms and and the oscillators
are supporting the rally. In a conducive market, 122 - 125 levels maybe
achieved in the short term.

call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - buy on declines to the 106 levels and hold
with a stop loss at the 102 levels with a target price of Rs 113 in
the short term and Rs 118 - 120 in the medium term.
Aggressive F&O
traders - Buy the July futures on minor declines to
the 108 levels and hold with a stop loss at the 103 levels and a
profit target of 115 levels in the near term. Options traders may sell
the July 90 puts at a premium of Rs 1.15 and above.
contract size - Market lot = 1600 shares, F&O margin = Rs 51,000
( subject to change daily)
Tele - this telecom player remains our choice from the
telecom sector which has received a boost in terms of higher FDI
approvals. This company is undergoing aggressive re-structuring and is
likely to be a major player in the immediate future. The same is being
reflected in the scrip price which is bouyant even in a choppy market. We
maintain a buy on the counter.
call of action -
Investors / cash
segment players - buy the counter on all major declines upto
16 levels and hold with a stop loss at the 14 levels. Expect a price
of 22 in the near term and possibly 30 and above over a years
Aggressive F&O
traders - N/a
contract size - N/a
BSE Sensex -
the sensex is showing signs of strength as the rising tops and bottoms
formation is intact so far. The oscillators are supporting the rally and
should the index surpass the 5000 levels on a closing basis with high
volumes and positive market breadth, expect a fresh 2 - 3 % upmove.

call of action - Since the Sensex futures are not very liquid, we
suggest trading the Nifty 50 instead.
50 - the Nifty is at a crucial threshold as the 1567 levels
will be the trend determination point on an intraday basis in Monday. Over
the next day, expect the 1587 levels to be the inflection point. Should
the FM reduce the turnover tax substantially and the Nifty surge past the
1587 levels, expect the 1620 levels to be achieved in the near term. On
the lower side, if the 1510 levels are violated, expect the next stop to
be at the 1480 levels. If the turnover tax remains at 0.15 % and the 1480
is violated downwards, expect 1467 levels to be a possibility in the near
call of action - We advocate fresh trades on the Nifty
only after Tuesday when the turnover tax issue is clarified completely.
tips for the week
The put / call ratio
is climbing and is currently at the 0.42 : 1 levels and the outstanding positions in
the derivatives segment have shown a qualitative deteteoration. The FII
investments are continuing steadily.
There is offloading
at higher levels in stock futures. That indicates a
cautious approach as long positions in individual stocks is being
hedged by Nifty shorts.
The current week
is crucial for the markets as there is a major news flow of the
turnover tax in the pipeline.
The index
heavy-weights are showing strength again. This in turn will boost
the indices and cause a feel good factor. The only worry is that
this upbeat sentiment should continue.
Trades must be
executed in small volumes due to the higher volatility expected.
Trade fewer counters and conserve cash for future opportunities.
Standby for
fresh recommendations via SMS on a
real - time basis.
- Have a profitable
- Vijay L Bhambwani
The author is
a Mumbai based investment consultant and
invites feedback at
and ( 022 ) 23438482 / 23400345.
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