Jones Industrial Average - This old
economy benchmark index measures the
outlook on the New York stock
exchange. Last week we had advocated resistance at
the 10,740 levels ( click
here to view our previous editions ). The Dow Jones has under
performed as compared to the Nasdaq and is likely to see resistance at the
10650 - 10675 levels. Expect the 10,200 levels to be a
good short term base for this index in the near term.

call of action - Since Indian
investors are not allowed to trade
in overseas markets, this is a pure
academic study.
- This new economy benchmark index
measures the outlook on the Nasdaq
exchange. This index has made a new 29 month high ( highest since July '
01) recently and has been advocated
by us as making a saucer formation. The relative strength of this index is
surpassing the Dow. Last week, we forecast that the 2090 levels will be a short
term target and the Nasdaq has closed at 2087 - 3 points away from our
target !!!. ( click
here to view our previous editions ) The
outlook has turned positive after improved employment data and the short
term target of 2180 then 2230 should be expected.

call of action - Since Indian
investors are not allowed to trade
in overseas markets, this is a pure
academic study.
- This index measures the outlook on
the London stock exchange. As we have been forecasting a 4300 level
support, this index is making a base in the near term and showing short term strength ( click
here to view our previous editions ). Our outlook though positive for
this index is also that of an under-performer as compared to the US
markets. The oscillators are pointing towards a consolidation at present

call of action - Since Indian
investors are not allowed to trade
in overseas markets, this is a pure
academic study.