Authority - This PSU gas major was recommended as a buy
between 112 - 118 and was triggered on 5/8/03 & 6/8/03. Those
positions are deeply in the money. The scrip is in an intermediate uptrend
as the stock has gained over 50 % in the last 15 weeks. The recent media
reports of de-regulation of the gas sector is likely to see free pricing (
upward revision ) of natural gas prices. The other positive trigger for
the stock is the carriage of fibre optic cable along it's gas grid in
Rajasthan & Gujarat, which will result in additional revenues for the
company. A buy in small lots for PSU stock enthusiasts. The oscillators
are signaling a bullishness in the short term.

call of action -
Delivery investors
- We recommend buying the scrip for delivery based investors at
the 120 levels in a correcting market. Previous long positions must be
held ( if not liquidated at our target of 130 ) with a
trailing stop loss at the 122 levels. For fresh buying at 120 levels,
maintain a stop loss at the 114 levels and expect a price target of
140 in the near term - in a firm market.
Aggressive F&O
traders - Derivatives not available on this counter.
contract size - Derivatives not available on this counter.